- Power rating 0.4 to 630 KW
- Frequency Range 0 to 400 Hz.
- Power supply 380 To 480 Or 500 VAC
- Torque ,Position & Real Sensorless Vector Control
- Close Loop Vector Control and easy to gain Tuning.
- Compatible with CC Link, Device Net, Profibus, Ethernet & CAN open Communication

- Power rating 0.75 to 630 KW
- Frequency range 0.5 to 400Hz.
- Power supply 380 to 480 or 500 VAC.
- VF Magnetic Flex Vector or Control.
- Close Loop PID Function.
- Energy Saving Contro.l
- Flaying start function.

- Power Rating 0.1 to 7.5 KW
- Frequency range 0.2 to 400 Hz
- Power supply Single phase 200 to 240 VAC and Three Phase 380 to 480 VAC.
- VF sensor less Vector controls.
- Brak Transistros.
- Energy Saving.

- Power Rating 0.4 to 15KW.
- Frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz.
- Power supply Single phase 200 to 240 VAC and Three Phase 380 to 480 VAC.
- VF Real Sensorless Vector Control.
- Brake Transistors And Ext. Brake Control.
- Remote I/O.
- Flaying start function.